Protected: Basic Practice of Mindfulness in Plum Village Tradition

Unduh Mp3 klik sini
At the foot of the mountain, there is a stream
Take the water from the stream and wash yourself
And you’ll be cured, you are cured.
Under the soles of your feet, there is the earth
Take a step on the earth, don’t you feel the stream
And you’ll be free, you are free
In the heart of great beings, there is a stream
Let it flow, let it be the ground of your being
And you’ll be loved, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved.
Ceramah dharma yang dibagikan oleh Yang Mulia Bhante Nyanabhadra (Brother Pháp Tử) pada Night of Mindulness (NOM) online yang diselenggarakan oleh Wake Up Indonesia dengan topik “Being Contentment Wherever You Are” pada tanggal 24 Oktober 2020.