No Lotus No Mud

No Lotus No Mud

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No Lotus No Mud

Br. Sr. The Nghiem

No lotus no mud, no lotus no mud, no lotus
No lotus no mud, no lotus no mud, no lotus

no mud no lotus, no lotus no mud
not two but one, as breath and blood

No dirt no roses, No roses no dirt
cats know my joys, Until I know my hurt

No mud no lotus, no lotus no mud
not two but one, as breath and blood

No dawn no darkness, no darkness no dawn
Without you here, there would be no song

No mud no lotus, no lotus no mud
not two but one, as breath and blood

my hope in your eyes
your journey in me
two hearts but one
and looking deeply we see

No mud no lotus, no lotus no mud
not two but one, as breath and blood

no birth, no death
life flows through every breath
waking up to a brand new day
everything is gonna be okay
no darkness, no dawn
my heart can sing this song

No lotus no mud, no lotus no mud, no lotus

Coming Home – Bert Evens Ft. Mari Joël

Coming Home – Bert Evens Ft. Mari Joël

Coming Home

Lirik dan irama oleh: Bert Evens (Joyful Music of the Heart)

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See my eyes, please be welcome
see my heart, please be my guest
see my hands, I fold them towards you
a lotus to be

See my eyes, please be welcome
see my heart, please be my guest
see my hands, I fold them towards you
a lotus to be

Following the rising and falling
of the great breathing deep inside of us

So that together we can come home
in the heartbeat of our embrace

Come And Sit

Come And Sit

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Come and sit by my side.
If you’re lonely
Close your eyes
Drink some tea together
Breathing in, breathing out
Smiling and calm
You will feel that our life is so true

Come and sit by my side
When you’re tired
Close your eyes
Put your hands on your heart
Breathing in, breathing out
Smiling and calm
You will feel that our life is so true

Come and sit by my side
If you cry
Close your eyes
Put your hands on the Earth
Breathing in, breathing out
Smiling and calm
You will feel that the life is happy

Folk song of uncertain origin by the title “Red River Valley”

Watering Seeds of Joy

Watering Seeds of Joy

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My mother, my father, they are in me.
And when I look, I see myself in them.

The Buddha, the patriarchs, they are in me.
And when I look, I see myself in them.

I am a continuation of my mother and my father
I am a continuation of all my blood ancestors.
It is my aspiration to preserve and continue to nourish
seeds of goodness, seeds of skill, seeds of happiness
which I have inherited.

It’s also my desire to recognize
the seeds of fear and suffering I have inherited,
and, bit by bit, to transform them, transform them.
I am a continuation of the Buddha and the patriarchs
I am a continuation of all my spiritual teachers.

It is my deep aspiration to preserve, develop, and nourish
seeds of understanding, seeds of love, seeds of freedom
which they have transmitted to me.

In my daily life, I also want to sow
seeds of love and compassion
in my own consciousness and in the heart of other people.

I am determined not to water
seeds of craving, aversion, and violence in me
seeds of craving, aversion, and violence in others
With resolve and with compassion,
I give rise to this aspiration:

May my practice be an off’ring of the heart
May my practice be an off’ring of the heart

Happiness is here and now mandarin

Happiness is here and now mandarin

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Happiness is here and now

Happiness is here and now,
I have dropped my worries.
Nowhere to go, nothing to do,
no longer in a hurry.
Happiness is here and now,
I have dropped my worries.
Somewhere to go, something to do,
but I don’t need to hurry.



Breathing in breathing out mandarin

Breathing in breathing out mandarin

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Breathing in, breathing out

Breathing in, breathing out (2x);
I am blooming as a flower;
I am fresh as the dew.
I am solid as a mountain,
I am firm as the earth;
I am free.
Breathing in, breathing out (2x);
I am water, reflecting
what is real, what is true,
and I feel there is space deep inside of me;
I am free, I am free, I am free.




All In My Heart (Children Song)

All In My Heart (Children Song)

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A song written during the 2012 Holiday Retreat in Deer Park Monastery.
Music: Nhu-Mai Nguyen (@sorbetskies)
Lyrics: Nhu-Mai and children from the Children’s Program

The Sun! The Sun, it shines!
On my face and on my eyes
The su-u-u-un shines in my heart (2x)

The River! The River, it flows!
From the mountains to my toes
The ri-i-i-ver flows in my heart (2x)

From the mountains, the flowers,
The children, and the deer
We all love each other
There’s a space for everyone in my heart

The Trees! The Trees, they sway!
And give oxygen everyday
The Tree-ee-ees they sway in my heart (2x)

The Birds! The Birds, they fly!
As a school of fish swim by
The Animals are all in my heart (2x)

From the Mountains, the flowers,
The children, and the deer
We all love each other
There’s a space for everyone in my heart
There’s a space for everyone in my heart
There’s a home for everyone in my heart

Breathe you are alive

Breathe you are alive

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Breathe and you know that you are alive
Breathe and you know that all is helping you
Breathe and you know that you are the world
Breathe and you know that the flower is breathing you
Breathe for yourself, breathe for the world
Breathe in compassion and breathe out the joy

Breathe and be one with the air that you breathe
Breathe and be one with the river that flows
Breathe and be one with the earth that you tread
Breathe and be one with the fire that glows
Breathe and you break the thought of birth and death
Breathe and you see impermanence is life

Breathe for your joy to be steady and calm
Breathe for your sorrow to flow away
Breathe to renew every cell in your blood
Breathe to renew the depths of consciousness
Breathe and you dwell in the here and now
Breathe and all you touch is new and real

Freedom of the Heart

Freedom of the Heart

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I am a cloud, I am the blue sky
I am a bird spreading out its wings
I am a flower, I am the sunshine
I am the earth receiving a seed

#And I am free when my heart is open
Yes I am free when my mind is clear

Oh dear brothers, oh dear sisters
Let’s walk together, mindfully (joyfully)

Bahagia Itu Kini

Bahagia Itu Kini

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Bahagia itu kini
Kulepas cemasku
Tiada pergi, tiada kerja
Tak lagi tergesa

Bahagia itu kini
Kulepas cemasku
Jika pergi, jika kerja
Aku tak tergesa

Happiness is here and now,
I have dropped my worries,
nowhere to go, nothing to do,
no longer in a hurry.

Happiness is here and now,
I have dropped my worries,
somewhere to go, something to do,
but I don’t need to hurry.

Please call me by my true name

Please call me by my true name

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My joy’s like spring so warm,
it makes flowers bloom
all over the Earth.
My pain’s like a river of tears,
so vast it fills the four oceans.

#Please call me by my true names,
so I can hear
all my cries and laughters at once,
so I can hear
that my joy and pain are one.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can wake up
and the door of my heart
could be left open
(the door of compassion)

Napas Masuk Napas Keluar

Napas Masuk Napas Keluar

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Napas masuk, napas keluar
Aku mekar bagai bunga
Aku segar bagai embun
Aku solid bagai gunung
Aku kokoh bagai bumi
Aku bebas

Napas masuk, napas keluar
Napas masuk, napas keluar
Aku air memantulkan
Yang nyata dan benar
Aku rasa ada ruang
di dalam diriku
Bebaslah, bebaslah, bebaslah

Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out
I am blooming as a flower
I am fresh as the dew
I am solid as a mountain
I am firm as the earth
I am free
Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out
I am water reflecting
what is real what is true
and I feel there is space
deep inside of me
I am free, I am free, I am free