Watering Seeds of Joy

Watering Seeds of Joy

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My mother, my father, they are in me.
And when I look, I see myself in them.

The Buddha, the patriarchs, they are in me.
And when I look, I see myself in them.

I am a continuation of my mother and my father
I am a continuation of all my blood ancestors.
It is my aspiration to preserve and continue to nourish
seeds of goodness, seeds of skill, seeds of happiness
which I have inherited.

It’s also my desire to recognize
the seeds of fear and suffering I have inherited,
and, bit by bit, to transform them, transform them.
I am a continuation of the Buddha and the patriarchs
I am a continuation of all my spiritual teachers.

It is my deep aspiration to preserve, develop, and nourish
seeds of understanding, seeds of love, seeds of freedom
which they have transmitted to me.

In my daily life, I also want to sow
seeds of love and compassion
in my own consciousness and in the heart of other people.

I am determined not to water
seeds of craving, aversion, and violence in me
seeds of craving, aversion, and violence in others
With resolve and with compassion,
I give rise to this aspiration:

May my practice be an off’ring of the heart
May my practice be an off’ring of the heart

Joy Is Every Step

Joy Is Every Step
Day of Mindfulness: Joy is Every Step @Pusdiklat Bodhidharma

Joy is Every step adalah tema Day of Mindfulness hari Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017, di Pusdiklat Boddhidharma, dibimbing oleh Sister Tin Yue merupakan hari latihan bersama hidup sadar oleh praktisi-praktisi lintas agama.

Beberapa praktisi sudah berlatih dengan metode Zen Plum Village, beberapa baru pertama kali berlatih mengikuti metode ini.

Diringkas dengan apik, semua kegiatan disesuaikan dengan kebiasaan hidup sehari-hari yang penuh dengan kesibukan.

Dalam sesi meditasi teh dan berbagi, diungkapkan bahwa latihan ini adalah latihan yang sesungguhnya karena berpraktik sesuai kondisi nyata keseharian.

Sesi yin yoga dan total relaksasi merupakan sesi favorit, sesi yang membawa praktisi untuk benar-benar relaks.

Ceramah Thay (Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh) pada saat Retret Israel-Palestina, Oktober 2005 membawa pencerahan baru bahwa kita berlindung pada realitas absolut yang membuat kita damai dan bahagia setiap saat, setiap langkah. (Kshantica)