Love Poem

Wake Up retreat Hong Kong 2017
@Lotus Pond Temple

Love Poem, composed by Sze Chai, lyric from: Love Poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
@Bangkok Art and Culture Center
27 January 2019

Love Poem – Sze Chai

Love Poem

Composed by: Sze Chai
Lyrics from: Love Poem — Thich Nhat Hanh

Your eyes are made of six elements
They are beautiful
Should I make them mine?
Should I make them last for a long time?
Should I try to record them?

Your voice is made of six elements
It is beautiful
Should I make it mine?
Should I make it lasts for a long time?
Should I try to record it?

Knowing your eyes are impermanent
Knowing your eyes are not you
Knowing your voice is impermanent
Knowing your voice is not you
Loving your eyes, loving your voice
I remain free

[chorus:] There are so many things that I love
Your eyes, your voice, and your smile
I learn each moment to be a better lover
I learn each moment to discover my true love
To protect, to respect
And reverence is the nature of my love

Your smile is made of six elements
It is beautiful
Should I make it mine?
Should I make it lasts for a long time?
Should I try to record it?

Knowing your smile is impermanent
Knowing your smile is not you
Loving your eyes, loving your smile
I remain free

Your love is made of six elements
It is beautiful
Should I make it mine?
Should I make it lasts for a long time?
Should I try to record it?

And I choose……
To protect, to respect
And reverence is the nature of my love