DOM Daring PV Thailand Okt 2021

Date(s): 17. Oct, 2021 Time: 04:45 - 16:30
Language: English WebCal: webcal

Zoom Sky Meditation Hall

Day of Mindfulness

Plum Village Thailand


Gentleness is powerful! -Thich Nhat Hanh


Mari berlatih dalam “Sehari Hidup Berkesadaran” (Day of Mindfulness) secara daring bersama monastik dari Plum Village Thailand pada:

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2021
Pkl. 04.45 – 16.30 WIB
Media ZOOM

Jadwal kegiatan:
04.45 Meditasi Duduk Dipandu & Menyentuh Bumi
07.00 Sarapan Pagi (Offline)
08.30 Meditasi Menyanyi
09.00 Wejangan Dharma – Sr. Thư Nghiêm (Bahasa Vietnam)
11.30 Meditasi Makan Siang (Offline)
13.00 Relaksasi Total
15.00 Berbagi Dharma (bahasa Indonesia)
16.30 Kegiatan Selesai

Registrasi klik SINI.

Terima kasih.

Sekuntum seroja untuk Anda,
Panitia DOM

*Wejangan Dharma akan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

Dear Sangha,

On October 17th 2021, Thai Plum Village will organize the Online Day of Mindfulness in order to offer our presence to you while we are going through challenging moments in the midst of the pandemic.

The language of the event will be Vietnamese, while English, Thai and Indonesian translations will also be available.

To join the Dharma sharing sessions, please kindly register in the following link:

All activities will be live-streamed via Zoom; please set up Zoom in order to join with us. The Zoom link for attending the activities:

Meeting ID: 973 3038 4670
Passcode: 437779

Schedule (Thailand local time, UTC +7)
04:45 am: Guided sitting meditation – Touching the earth
07:00 am: Breakfast (offline)
08:30 am: Singing meditation
09:00 am: Dharma talk
11:30 am: Lunch (offline)
01:00 pm: Total relaxation
03:00 pm: Dharma sharing